Freedom of Speech Needs to be Rewritten?
Freedom of speech is to see and think without restrictions or obstacles. Freedom of speech is not subject to censorship or restriction. Freedom of speech is synonymous with freedom of speech. It is used not only to describe the freedom of oral speech but also to describe the freedom of any act of receiving or sending information or opinions, regardless of the media used. The right to freedom of speech is not clearly explained in many countries/regions, so it is usually restricted by some form of government.
Moreover, as an individual, we know that this era is full of advancements and modernizations, therefore, every individual has a right to speak and express their opinions in a way as simple as they can in just a matter of seconds. To be honest, as there were different platforms developed people can easily share their opinions with thousands of people who can believe them whether they are talking non-sense or truth. Similarly, in these times as there is youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all these apps which consist of millions of members with their thousands of followers, it is really easy to send or share any kind of information to their followers without the hassle.
One of the most complicated things in establishing a government is to determine how much freedom citizens enjoy in society. Throughout history, we have seen many different types of government, including North Korea’s dictatorship over the United States, whose regime is based on democratic principles. In societies with democratic governments such as the United States, Britain, France and many other Western European countries, citizens enjoy a high degree of freedom of speech. In addition, these people are allowed to have a high degree of freedom of thought. Although they are very important in life because they enable you to express your true identity, there is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Despite the difference between freedom of speech and freedom of thought, the British philosopher forward the importance of freedom of speech and freedom of thought in his book named “Freedom”.
Although freedom of speech can be tricky, understanding what can be said about the first amendment is the key. This will give you more confidence when you talk about current affairs, it will inhibit social interaction, but the most important reason is that knowing your rights will save you from imprisonment. Even the Supreme Court has difficulty determining what constitutes protected speech. When trying to see if your First Amendment covers you, certain issues must be revealed. Can we say anything at will? What exactly is freedom of speech? what can I say? I cannot say, but what can still be covered by the first amendment? Understand that freedom of speech, like everything else, has a predicament that makes it not true freedom of speech. An example of such regulations is yelling in crowded buildings. On the contrary, the first amendment will not protect you, and you can yell if there is a fire. Furthermore, the purpose of this article is to try to make this concept meaningful. Freedom of speech is the right to express personal views and ideas without worrying about government retaliation or censorship. Freedom of speech is not a black and white issue. Their other voice types, such as pure voice and symbolic voice, must be neutral. Pure language refers to oral communication, while symbolic language refers to communication of symbolic expression, not pure language.
Another important concept about evaluation is that evaluation can promote discussion, open up people to new ideas, or help them understand different ideas. Through the exchange of ideas, students can develop new ways of thinking about specific situations. This is vital. Their beliefs are challenged by their peers so that they can develop knowledge about specific topics. However, the censorship system does not allow them Students are so open, but the opposite is true.
“Freedom of speech does not protect you from the consequences of saying stupid shit.
To conclude my point of view, all in all, freedom of speech is a right that needs to be respected, followed and lived. Only those countries that can protect this basic right can prosper and develop with the development of society and the entire country.